We are our values

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We are our values 

By understanding our values, we can help our clients identify the part of us that they call ‘me’. We normally recognize our values as the things we are naturally drawn to or the things we are inclined to do, effortlessly and without setting any specific goals.

We know our values can be a result of either nature or nurture or a combination of the two, but either way, they have a predominant role in determining who we are, what we want and how we live. When coaching, it can sometimes be helpful to confirm that our values will naturally steer your clients in the right direction, so if they have a project they plan to work on (or life goal) that isn’t in line with their key values, what can they do?

One solution could be to work with them to make adjustments to ensure they can quickly get back in tune with their values. The alternative would be to help them reflect on why they are working on this specific project or life goal and have an honest discussion about their chances of success if they do choose to continue.

For example: Some people are natural explorers, so whether they’re aged six or sixty, they will always enjoy embarking on intrepid journeys. One reason for this could be that exploring is one of their core values, so we can conclude that people with this value don’t need to force themselves to explore because it just comes naturally to them.


How to clarify values

As a coach, you can help your clients clarify their values and identify what (if anything) could get in the way of achieving them. It is important to make sure that any values specified during discussions in your coaching sessions are geared towards helping them achieve their projects or life goals. If any values aren’t within reach or aren’t directly associated with something that has real meaning, it can be hard for your client to materialize them and translate them into concrete actions.

One way of overcoming this is to determine whether a value is an aspiration or a reality:

  • An aspirational value expresses who you hope to be and is deemed to have positive connotations or intimately enhance your social standing
  • A real value is one that you can already express in life.


Further reading:

We explore values in our exclusive ebook to ensure you have a solid grounding in the subject, available now in our online shop:

Ebook : Coaching Personal and Professional Values – Help your clients identify their key values and agree clear goals with this complete toolkit for coaching values – both personal and professional. It also includes a simple step by step guide to use in your coaching sessions.


We have also published a range of ebooks, games and kits to help you within your coaching sessions:


We constantly add content to the site, so please check our on-line shop and look at the full range of games, ebooks and kits. Or read some of the other blog posts written by our team of international coaches.


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Please note – Please include a reference and link back to this original blog if you wish to copy or share anything we have written: (cc) MyCoachingToolkit.com – 2021

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