Category: Blog

Six Thinking Hats

The Power of the “Six Thinking Hats” in Coaching

The “Six Thinking Hats” technique, developed by psychologist Edward de Bono, is an innovative tool that enhances thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making processes. For coaches, it offers a structured way to guide individuals or teams through complex challenges by encouraging diverse perspectives. This method helps clients explore new ideas, gain clarity, and develop well-rounded solutions.

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Professional tests

Professional tests : an added value for coaching

As coaches, we all know that our first tool is simply ourselves. Hence the importance of taking care of ourselves, our ‘alignment’ and our presence with others. Everything we need to actively listen to our clients and help them achieve their goals.  However, we thought it would be interesting to return to the subject of the professional tests we use: personality, skills or values tests, etc. They can play a key role in our coaching practice, bringing significant benefits for both coachees and coaches. What are the main benefits of professional tests for our approach and our coaches ?

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Sport Can Inspire Business Performance

Sport can inspire business performance: A guide for coaches

As a business coach, your goal is to help leaders build high-performing teams. Achieving this requires more than just strategy—it demands continuous commitment, much like coaching a sports team. By drawing on lessons from the world of sport, you can inspire your clients to elevate their team’s energy, productivity and business performance.

Understanding Work Energy in Business
Successful teams, like winning sports teams, manage their energy well. As a coach, help your clients understand the three key types of energy that drive performance:

Physical Energy – The stamina and effort required to complete tasks.
Mental Energy – Focus, decision-making, and problem-solving abilities.
Emotional Energy – Motivation, commitment, and resilience.

Encourage leaders to assess their team’s current energy levels and identify any areas of imbalance. Are some employees overworked? Are others disengaged? By recognising these issues, you can guide them in redistributing energy for maximum efficiency.

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video learning for coaches

Video Learning for Coaches

In the ever-evolving field of coaching, staying relevant and effective requires continuous learning. As a coach, you understand the importance of expanding your skills and knowledge to better serve your clients. While traditional methods like books and workshops remain valuable, incorporating video learning into your professional development offers unique advantages that can significantly enhance your coaching practice.

Video learning : Engaging and Interactive

Video content brings learning to life by combining visual and auditory elements, creating an engaging and immersive experience. As a coach, you can see techniques in action, hear expert explanations, and absorb information in a way that feels both dynamic and interactive. This multisensory approach often leads to a deeper and more intuitive understanding of concepts compared to text-based learning alone. By watching videos, you can observe the nuances of coaching strategies, body language, and client interactions, which are sometimes difficult to convey through written materials.

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start coaching

Begin Your Practice as a Coach

Are you aspiring to start coaching ? Starting your coaching journey, can be both an exciting and challenging experience. As you transition into this role, you’ll not only need to master coaching techniques but also understand how to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world situations. Here is an outline four essential aspects to consider as you embark on your path toward becoming a successful coach.

Please note that coaching is a much broader and richer practice than just a few points. Above all, it is a personal and professional journey where learning and questioning is constant.

Key Principles for Aspiring Coaches :

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Coaching with Intercultural intelligence

Integrating Intercultural Intelligence into Coaching Practice

I would like to share my reflections and cultural experiences that have transformed my coaching practice over the years. Working in an increasingly globalised world, I quickly realised that intercultural intelligence is not just a ‘nice to have’ but an absolutely essential skill. When you’re working with people from different cultures or in multicultural teams, cultural adaptation becomes a key success factor.

I’ve been working in the field of interculturality for 20 years, providing training and coaching in organisations and businesses to help managers and teams meet their intercultural challenges.

What is Intercultural Intelligence?
Intercultural intelligence is the ability to adapt and act effectively in the face of different cultural challenges and contexts. It means understanding, respecting, and navigating cultural differences. The good news is that intercultural intelligence is a skill that can be developed!

Why Integrate Intercultural Intelligence into Coaching practice?
To Build Trust
To Improve Communication
To Adopt a Broader Perspective
Supporting Clients in Their Intercultural Challenges
Strengthening Diversity in Organisations

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a Good Coaching Website

6 Things That Make a Good Coaching Website

There are some obvious things that you should have on a Good Coaching Website.
Easy ways for people to get in touch with you.
Clear calls to action so that people actually click around your website, find out more and join your email list or commit to working with you.
An email list builder such as a free resource so you can easily turn website visitors into leads and build a relationship with them so they can see you’re the coach to work with.
Brilliant, up to date photos of you so your website visitors start to feel a connection with you.
Evidence of how awesome you are such as testimonials, qualifications and logos of companies you have worked with or who recommend you.

… Clear information about what you do and how you do it.

Now, the reason I have drawn this last one to your attention more than the rest is because some coaches and also quite a few people in the wellness industry often fall into the trap of writing a lot of words on their website without actually saying anything.
We see a lot of this kind of thing, “I’m here to empower and enable you to make a positive change in your life through creating a shift and making positive choices to overcome what has been holding you back. By doing this you yourself will have the power to make this shift and feel this change and the positive outcomes will enable you to take action in other areas of your life. If this sounds good then get in touch.”

While this all sounds incredibly positive and lovely I really have no idea what they’re asking me to get in touch about.

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personal excellence

 Unlocking Personal Excellence 🌹 A Journey into Jung’s Theory of Personality and Type

In Ralph Lewis’ enlightening book on various aspects of personality and Type, readers are invited on a transformative journey that goes beyond the conventional confines of Jungian theory. Rather than presenting a rigid framework, Ralph encourages his audience to develop a nuanced understanding of Jung’s theories, urging them to reflect on personal excellence, personal development and to consider relationships in a broader context, extending far beyond the boundaries of the workplace.
They therefore influence every decision a client makes. If decisions made are not in harmony with the individual’s values, it will create internal conflicts that are difficult to resolve. Consequently, when a person has a clear view of what their personal core values are, it’s easier for them to make a choice. Neglecting the role of values in coaching leads to a risk of dissatisfaction, demotivation and conflict of identity for the client.

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