Category: One to one coaching

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Giving Meaning to Life 

Research shows that individuals who find meaning and purpose in their lives tend to experience greater levels of happiness compared to those who do not.

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Moral harassment 

How to react in case of moral harassment/bullying at work or in a school environment?  What is bullying ?          Bullying is

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A recent method dating back to the 1960s        The Photolangage® was developed by a team of facilitators and psychosociologists, Claire Belle-Île and

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Coaching Autonomy in 4 Steps 

The 4 Steps of the Autonomy Cycle    This tool, derived from transactional analysis, was created by Katherine Symor (an American transactional analyst who worked

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MyCoachingToolkit - Making changes for a successful life - Blog wide

The Narrative Approach 

A New Approach Emerging from Australia      This approach was developed by Michael White (1948-2008), an Australian therapist and social worker, practicing in Adelaide,

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The Process Com® 

Process Com® or Process Communication Model® or PCM  The Process Com® enables more effective communication with each of your colleagues, clients, professional partners, or your

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