The Basics of ProcessCom®
Who is Taïbi Kahler, the creator of ProcessCom? A trained psychologist and American transactional analyst, Taibi KALHER, seen in red in the photo,
Who is Taïbi Kahler, the creator of ProcessCom? A trained psychologist and American transactional analyst, Taibi KALHER, seen in red in the photo,
by Steven Covey The Foundations of the Model: Clarifying Essential Notions Common-sense habits: Get a minimum of 7 hours of sleep per
We are all intelligent, but each in our own way. The theory of multiple intelligences suggests that there are several types of intelligence.
A catalyst for creativity The method of the 6 Thinking Hats extracted from the book “Six Thinking Hats” is a method of management or individual
Understanding intercultural dimensions with the Hofstede Model In his work “Culture and Organizations: International Studies of Management & Organization” published in 1980, Geert Hofstede presented
The Art of Thought by Graham Wallas Like many privileged British gentlemen of his time, Wallas was a man of varied interests. He
According to Jean-Christian Fauvet, a French sociologist and creator of Sociodynamics, there are 4 major types of organizations, each with its own culture. The EGO/EXO
The 4 Colours Method or DISC The 4 Colours Method: Welcome to a Colourful World Sometimes people seem so different from us that
How to communicate better? We don’t learn, as children, in families or at school, how to communicate. Yet clumsy words can lead to
Defining Stress Stress is not a disease but rather the biological and psychological response that occurs whenever an individual must adapt. However, when poorly