Category: One to one coaching

No regrets 

At the 1924 Olympic Games in Paris, the canoeing event had just been added to the list of international competitions. The favorite team for the

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My Freedom 

My freedom : I create it !  I refuse to be someone ordinary      It’s my right to be original – if I can.

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Un conte pour profiter du moment présent

Live in the moment 

Every day you live is a special occasion.    My friend opened his wife’s dresser drawer and pulled out a small package wrapped in silk:

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chef d'oeuvre

51 quotes from Buddha 

As a coach, I possess a plethora of proverbs, quotes, and metaphors in my toolkit to elucidate my sessions. Here are several quotes from Buddha.

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Rule Number 6 

Two ministers are seated in a room discussing state affairs.   Suddenly, a man bursts in, his voice choked with rage, and begins to rant while

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Story for Coaching : Failure 

Failure doesn’t mean you’re a failure.  It means you haven’t succeeded yet.  Failure doesn’t mean you haven’t accomplished anything.  It means you’ve learned something.   

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