I specialise in coaching stress management


I specialise in coaching stress management

Original price was: £86.00.Current price is: £73.00.

A crucial pack at unbeatable value

Are you a coach looking to develop your business ?

The “I develop my coaching business” pack includes : 

  • The Kit : 7 brochures to sell your coaching services
  • The Kit : Coaching logbooks for your clients
  • The Kit : Over 70 illustrations by Na
  • The E-book : Review of the year

Description :

I specialise in coaching stress management

3 indispensable resources for comprehending and practicing stress management

Contained within the Understanding and Training in Stress Management  this pack is  including various theoretical frameworks and hands-on activities, adaptable to your group’s goals and event duration. Resource presented in both PowerPoint and Word formats, these materials empower you to conduct either one or two-day training sessions or organise half-day workshops seamlessly.

As a coach seeking to specialise in stress management, addressing the critical issue of quality of life at work becomes paramount for companies. In today’s leadership roles, there is a pervasive potential for stress, placing employees under the dual pressure of accomplishing more, at a faster pace, often with reduced resources to boost productivity.

In response to these challenges, companies have recently introduced roles such as Chiefs Happiness Managers or individuals responsible for workplace quality of life and well-being. Regardless of the existence of these positions, the question arises. How can you effectively assist your clients and intervene in stress, whether in preventive measures or during crisis situations?

Stress management is a long-term process based on several levels of reflection:

– Understand what stress is, and reflect on the work or management methods that can induce it in teams.
– Train managers and staff
– Regularly assess psychosocial risks (RPS) to evaluate them and take corrective action if necessary.

This Pack includes 1 Kit and 2 Ebooks.

  1. The Kit – Understanding stress Workshop

This understanding stress kit can be adapted with your branding. But contains everything you need to confidently deliver a half-day workshop. It has a main presentation that includes :

  • Full speakers notes
  • A step by step facilitator guide
  • A handout for people attending.

The presentation can be used for a face to face or online workshop, and is designed to be fully interactive. As well as the exercises listed below, the kit includes 12 optional discussion points you can incorporate depending on numbers and time you have available.

Check the product sheet for more details.


  1. The Ebook – Help your clients manage stress with their Myers-Briggs type


This insightful e-book combines the wisdom of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) with practical strategies to help with stress management more effectively.

This E-book goes beyond generic stress management guides, providing a tailored approach based on your client’s personality type. Make them embrace a holistic, empowering journey towards a calmer, more resilient state.




  1. The Ebook – Coaching stress management

This 18 page coaching e-book is your essential guide to coaching stress management. It will quickly give you a solid grounding in the subject.
The tools within this e-book can be used to understand and manage stress when coaching others or for your own personal development.

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