I specialise in coaching young people


I specialise in coaching young people

Original price was: £136.00.Current price is: £115.50.

As a coach, you are specialising your practice with young people ? with families ? Check this exclusive pack, with essential tools to deepen your knowledge and accurate your sessions.

The Pack – I specialise in coaching young people includes :

  • The Kit- Student Career coaching for 15-25 year olds
  • The Kit-Coaching Parents through the Adolescent Years
  • The Virtual Card Game – Coaching young people

Description :

I specialise in coaching young people

To specialise in coaching young people can be immensely rewarding, as it provides an opportunity to positively influence their development and help them navigate the challenges of youth.

For example, at the end of ninth grade, through high school and even into higher education, choosing a course of study or a change of program is an unavoidable issue.  It is an increasingly stressful process for students and their parents, and sometimes becomes a real source of conflict.

Another topic to specialise in coaching young people can be The relationship between a parent and a teenager which is often complicated or even conflictual. It can be a painful experience for the parent: “I feel totally helpless”, “I’m very worried about their future”, “How can I make them understand that their behavior is unacceptable?

Faced with a client in this situation, the coach will encourage the parent to question themselves about what is really going on in their teenager’s mind and to become aware of their own educational style based on the situations they have experienced. This approach will help the parent develop a style of communication based on benevolence and empathy while taking into account their own needs as well as those of their child.


  1. KIT- Student Career coaching for 15-25 year olds

In this kit you’ll find:

  • The process, specifics and different components of student career coaching for 15-25 year-olds,
  • Specific tools to help you support young people both in discovering their personality and in imagining their adult life,
  • Card games to use in your individual coaching sessions or workshops with young people.

The kit includes:

A 19-page e-book in Word format

Why student career coaching?
The role of a student career coach for young people
Who is student career coaching for?
How does student career coaching work?
The role of parents in student career coaching
The main stages of student career coaching
Looking to the future
Autonomy in research


A document containing 7 tool cards in Word format. 

For each tool you’ll find:
The objective of the exercise 
Exercise instructions and questions to ask the young person 
Methods of use: individual coaching or group workshops 
These tool sheets can be easily customised with your logo and contact details.
Two documents to be given to the coachee to help them conduct independent research at the end of the coaching session (in Word format)
Job questionnaire
Training questionnaire


A set of Strength cards containing

 24 printable and laminable cards
Instructions for use explaining the different game modes


A set of “MY SUCCESSFUL LIFE” cards containing

15 printable and laminable photos in two formats (pdf files)


Check the product sheet for more details (content, format, … )


  1. KIT-Coaching Parents through the Adolescent Years


As a coach for teenagers and/or parents, you needs to have both a good understanding of the issues adolescents face as well as specific communication tools to help the parents.


That’s the aim of this kit, in which you will find :

  • The benefits of coaching parents of teenagers.
  • An analysis of the specific characteristics of adolescence (the teenage brain, needs, etc.).
  • Specific tools to help you work with parents to analyze the current situation (from their own point of view and from the teenager’s point of view) and find appropriate solutions that respect both the parent’s and the teenager’s needs.
  • A deck of cards for individual coaching or group workshops.


The kit includes :


A 17-page e-book (Word format)

Coaching parents of teenagers
The parent/teenager relationship 
A journey through adolescence
Helping parents analyse their posture

A document containing 3 tool sheets for use in individual coaching or group workshops
A document containing 3 tool cards to be given to the parent during the coaching session
A set of Feelings and Needs cards containing:

9 emotion cards (joy, calm, sadness, fear, confusion, anger, fatigue, love/friendship, confidence/energy)
5 needs cards (one for each level of Maslow’s pyramid: physiological needs, security, belonging, self-esteem and self-actualization)
8 activity cards based on feelings or needs for individual coaching or group workshops:
4 activities based on feelings
4 activities based on needs

Check the product sheet for more details (content, format, … )


  1. Virtual Game – Coaching young people

52 virtual cards to help explore autonomy

Use this practical online tool when you coach young people to help them identify and agree personal objectives in a creative way. And then by asking the right questions, the game supports their self-development and an introspective review that helps them drive personal change and explore autonomy, where they can start to think, feel, make decisions, and act on their own. This game is one of our exclusive resources designed to help to specialise in coaching young people, in their personal development, so you can grow your coaching business, develop your skills and succeed as a professional coach.


This virtual card game consists of:

12 Illustrated Objective cards
40 Question Cards divided into 4 themes to help young people explore autonomy:

Current situation – 9 cards
Desired situation – 9 cards
Ability and Options – 14 cards
Action plan – 8 cards


Plus… Full instructions on how to use the game and what we believe to be the benefits of coaching young people.


Please note: You will require an internet connection to access this virtual card game. It will work on your mobile, tablet or computer when online, however it cannot be downloaded, saved or printed. You will need to log in using your secure password to access the game, once your payment has been received.


Check the product sheet for more details (objectives, how to use, … ) 

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