Tales and quotes
Stories, quotes, and metaphors to broaden the scope in coaching and speak in images.
Stories in coaching help to streamline communication by removing unnecessary elements that weigh it down and resonate with our clients through images that “speak” to them. We break the boundaries of language. It is an experience between meaning and the senses, opening up to another imagination.
To illustrate your sessions and make them more creative, this theme offers stories, quotes, and metaphors in coaching: humorous, zen, optimistic, and Buddhist.
The value of a 100 euro note
A well-known speaker begins his seminar by holding a 100 euro note high in the air. He asks the audience, “Who would like to have
The King Arthur and the Witch
A tale for coaching, a feminist tale about what women want One day, the young King Arthur fell into an ambush and was captured by
The old lady and the soup
A tale for coaching to avoid biases One evening, an elderly lady stops at a motorway restaurant. She goes to the self-service area and takes
The parable of the farmer
I heard an old parable. It must be very ancient, because in those days the gods still lived on earth. One day, a man, an
The Ploughman and the Sack of Gold
A tale for coaching to cultivate positive thoughts Or how to change one’s thoughts into positive ones? A ploughman hears a strange noise beneath the
The Power of Commitment : Goethe
Until we commit ourselves, doubt reigns, the possibility of retreat remains, and inefficiency prevails. Regarding all acts of initiative and creativity, there is one elementary
The Prince and the Three Doors
A tale for coaching on acceptance and letting go A King had a brave, skillful, and intelligent son as his only child. To perfect his
The Happy Ant
Once upon a time, there was a happy and productive ant Every day, she arrived early for her work. She spent her entire day working
The Golden Buddha
“The Golden Buddha is a statue made of gold, the most significant in the world, located in Bangkok (Thailand), within the Wat Traimit.” The temple
The Donkey’s life
A Story for Coaching on Perseverance One day, the farmer’s donkey fell into an old, deep well that was rarely used. Frightened, the animal groaned