Work and Exercise Sheets for Your Clients.
With these sheets, you will explore the actions of change, the core values of success, life domains, talents, Dilts’ logical levels, Ginger’s pentagram, the high-performance model, and the pillars of life……
Reason for Career Transition
What do our clients seek in their Career transition? Several reasons drive them towards a Career transition. Some do it by choice, others
Resolving an issue with the past
To do this work, choose a current or past situation that doesn’t feel resolved to you, for example, someone you’re angry at or haven’t forgiven
Satisfying Your Needs : Practical Exercises
Choose a Need Select a need that you have from the list below, one that you know, based on what you have read
Satisfying Your Needs
What are the Role and Origin of Our Needs? Key Points Personal needs dominate our lives if they’re not met. Meeting a need is
Stress : Positive or Negative?
Stress is not an illness! Stress is not an illness, but the (biological and psychological) response that occurs whenever the individual must adapt. Poorly
The 34 talents from the Gallup model
A talent is an area in which one consistently and systematically excels. Talents are cultivated to become strengths through knowledge and practice. The
The 5 domains of life
Our life is divided into different domains: the 5 domains of life. Our domains of life occupy a more or less important place in which
Regaining Integrity
What is integrity, and what are your needs in this regard? Key points: 1- You’re either acting with integrity or you’re not.
Raising Your Standards
What are standards? Understanding their role? How to raise them? Key Points Your standards represent how you have chosen to behave. The
Public speaking
Structure your intervention Our recommendations apply to a specific communication situation: “Intervention in front of an audience with the aim