Category: Coaching tools

Interqualia Assessment

A revolutionary tool that aligns skills, intelligence, economic performance and well-being at work What is the “Flow”? Flow is a state of emotional comfort that

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la perte

Inner Dialogue 

Inner Dialogue is the most common “translation” of a term created by the founders of this approach, Drs. Hal and Sidra Stone, “Voice Dialogue.”   

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Logical Levels 

Based on the work of Gregory Bateson, one of the fathers of systemic thinking, as further developed by Robert Dilts, we can classify thinking processes

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Heart Coherence 

What is heart intelligence?    If we look at all cultures worldwide, they all talk about heart intelligence: having a big heart, being open-hearted, or

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Ginger’s Pentagram 

“The idea is enclosed inside. All that needs to be done is to remove the stone that conceals it.” Michelangelo    The 5 Existential Dimensions

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MyCoachingToolkit - Personal and Interpersonal skills - Blog wide


The 10 Rules of Japanese Happiness       After Ikigai (to find the meaning of life), here’s a new concept coming from Japan: Genki [1],

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