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Description :
What is an emotion?
The term emotion derives from the Latin ‘emovere’ meaning to – move out. We explain it as responding or behaving in a certain way, because of an impulse triggered by stimuli. The stimuli can either be internal or external – our environment or other people.
What is intelligence?
The word intelligence comes from the Latin ‘intelligere’ meaning to – understand, comprehend, come to know. However, whatever its etymological origins, there has never been complete consensus as to the definition of what constitutes intelligence.
What is an emotion?
How neuroscience has legitimized emotions
The six basic emotions
Why emotions are so important
When emotions get carried away: dysfunctional emotions
Are emotions in the workplace a taboo?
Emotional Intelligence
What is intelligence?
What does an IQ test entail?
Developing our understanding of Emotional Intelligence
The many definitions of Emotional Intelligence
The EQ-i 2.0 model
The implications of Emotional Intelligence
The different types of measuring tools
Emotional intelligence in the workplace
Progress report
Soft skills
Developing emotional competences in the workplace
Emotional intelligence training
Coaching emotional intelligence
Back to basics
Thought, emotion and behavior
Testing emotional intelligence
Listening to and expressing your own emotions
Using an EQ measurement tool
Reading the minds eye
Handout – The wheel of emotions
Observation, Feelings, Needs and Requests (OFNR)
Further reading:
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MyCoachingToolkit.com – 2020