I specialise in life coaching


I specialise in life coaching

Original price was: £105.00.Current price is: £89.00.

Are you a coach aspiring to specialise in life coaching? Guidance is invaluable for everyone!

The Pack – I specialise in life coaching includes :

  • The Kit – The Wheel of life
  • The E-book – Wheel of life workshop
  • The virtual game – Coaching personal development
  • The virtual game – Coaching young people
  • The virtual game – Coaching older people

“Coaching has reintroduced me to my core values, helped me organize my life, and reassess my priorities. I’ve rediscovered confidence in myself, my expertise, and my capabilities. What stood out to me in coaching was its gentle approach. There’s no rush to meet goals; everything unfolds naturally and peacefully”. Jessica, Pharmacist

Description :

I specialise in life coaching

With the Pack-I specialise in life coaching, you’ll receive a kit, an e-book, and three virtual decks of cards to ensure the success of all your sessions.

The life coaching approach is grounded in comprehensive comprehension of the client’s life domains, values, requirements and talents.


  1. KIT – The Wheel of life Workshop


This Wheel of Life Kit is perfect to specialise in life coaching. It can be adapted with your branding, but contains everything you need to confidently deliver a half-day workshop. It has a main presentation with full speakers notes, plus a step by step facilitator guide and handout for people attending.

The presentation can be used for a face to face or online workshop, and is designed to be fully interactive. As well as the exercises listed below, the kit includes optional discussion points you can incorporate depending on numbers and time you have available.


This kit has everything you need to run a successful wheel of life workshop:

Workshop Presentation

The presentation has 21 slides and includes speaker notes to help guide you through the content and interactive exercises. An ice breaker kicks off this half-day workshop and mindfulness exercise ends it, however you may prefer to adapt the content or running order to better fit your coaching style.

The main presentation is split into the following sections:
Welcome and introductions
2. Live a balanced life
3. 360 view of life
4. Action planning
5. Mindfulness exercise
6. Feedback


Interactive exercises
Facilitator Guide
Workshop Handout


Check the product sheet for more details. 


  1. Ebook – The Wheel of life


The Wheel of Life is an easy to implement coaching tool you can use with any small group or individual. Using this toolkit to offer an introductory workshop, will help you meet potential new clients and give them an opportunity to see how you work.

All you need to do is decide if you prefer to run a face to face session or virtual online workshop, then get the word out via social media and your professional networks. And remember to invite any clients you have not spoken to or worked with recently, as this could be a great reminder for them and it’s always good to have a friendly face in the group.

  • Set up and run an introductory workshop
  • Use the wheel of life tool to identify actions
  • Discuss the results and agree next steps
  • Offer extra support to make positive changes 


Check the product sheet for more details.


  1. Virtual Card Game – Coaching personal development

Coaching your professional development – 52 virtual cards to succeed in coaching and supervision

Use this practical online tool for coaching your professional development and help develop successful coaching skills in a fun way. Then by asking the right questions, this game supports your self-development and an introspective review that helps you drive personal change. This game is one of our exclusive resources designed to help you grow your business, to specialise in life coaching, to develop your skills and succeed as a professional coach.


 This virtual card game consists of:

12 Illustrated Coaching Skill cards
40 Question Cards divided into 4 themes to help develop your coaching skills:
  • Current situation – 9 cards
  • Desired situation – 9 cards
  • Options and barriers – 14 cards
  • Action plan – 8 cards

Plus… Full instructions on how to use the game and our list of the 10 coaching essentials.

  • Check the product sheet for more details (How to use, open questioning, …)


  1. Virtual Card Game – Coaching young people

52 virtual cards to help explore autonomy

Use this practical online tool when you coach young people to help them identify and agree personal objectives in a creative way. And then by asking the right questions, the game supports their self-development and an introspective review that helps them drive personal change and explore autonomy, where they can start to think, feel, make decisions, and act on their own. This game is one of our exclusive resources designed to help when coaching personal development, so you can grow your coaching business, to specialise in life coaching, to develop your skills and succeed as a professional coach.


This virtual card game consists of:

12 Illustrated Objective cards

40 Question Cards divided into 4 themes to help young people explore autonomy:

    • Current situation – 9 cards
    • Desired situation – 9 cards
    • Ability and Options – 14 cards
    • Action plan – 8 cards

Plus… Full instructions on how to use the game and what we believe to be the benefits of coaching young people.

  • Check the product sheet for more details (How to use, open questioning, …)


  1. Virtual Card Game-Coaching Older People 

52 virtual cards for coaching towards a successful retirement

Use this practical online tool when coaching older people to help individuals or couples achieve their goals and plan towards a successful retirement in a creative way. And then by asking the right questions, the game supports their self-development and an introspective review that helps them drive personal change. This game is one of our exclusive resources designed to help when coaching career development, so you can grow your coaching business, develop your skills and succeed as a professional coach.


This virtual card game consists of:

12 Illustrated Goal cards for coaching older people
40 Question Cards divided into 4 themes to help an individual achieve their professional goals:
    • Current situation – 9 cards
    • Desired situation – 9 cards
    • Ability and Options – 14 cards
    • Action plan – 8 cards

Plus… Full instructions on how to use the game and our list of coaching essentials when working with older people.

Please note: You will require an internet connection to access this virtual card game. It will work on your mobile, tablet or computer when online, however it cannot be downloaded, saved or printed. You will need to log in using your secure password to access the game, once your payment has been received.

  • Check the product sheet for more details (How to use, open questioning, …)
Please note: You will require an internet connection to access the 3 virtual card games. It will work on your mobile, tablet or computer when online, however it cannot be downloaded, saved or printed. You will need to log in using your secure password to access the game, once your payment has been received.


Further reading : We are constantly adding content to the site, so please check out our on-line shop or read the blog posts written by our team of international coaches.

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