Motivational coaching for adolescents and students

Motivational coaching for adolescents and students


A “Practical Guide” kit for motivational coaching for 15-25-year-olds, where you will find:

  • The process, specific features, and various components of motivational coaching for teenagers and students.
  • Specific tools to help you support young people in self-awareness, self-confidence, goal setting, and taking action.

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Description :

Motivational coaching for adolescents and students

How can one find themselves in a successful situation in their studies when they have no motivation left?  How can one manage to get to work and rediscover a fresh momentum?


Why use the kit  motivational coaching? The causes of a decrease in motivation are numerous, as a student: They are unable to project themselves into the future, they don’t know what’s expected of them, they have “failed” or experienced failure so much in the past that they don’t see why they should work, only to fail again, they don’t feel encouraged by their teachers and/or parents, they aren’t in a favorable work environment…


Motivational coaching is intended for any pupil or student, regardless of their academic level, as soon as they feel: 

  • A loss/lack of purpose in what they’re doing,
  • A lack of motivation which brings about repercussions on their academic results,
  • An inability to project themselves with their studies,
  • The will to find a renewed sense of purpose &/or momentum in their studies.


As a coach, whether or not you’re specialised in the accompaniment of young people, this is a problem which you could be called upon to address.

However, this type of coaching for young people has a few specificities which require the coach to be well-equipped.


This is the objective of this kit Motivational coaching for adolescents and students, in which you will find:

  • The process, the specificities and the different components of motivational coaching for  adolescents or students.
  • Specific tools to help you support and guide the young person in: knowing oneself, believing in oneself, defining their objectives, and implementing all the steps/abilities learned.


The kit contains:

A 25-page ebook, in Word format

Summary/Table  of Contents:

  1. What is motivational coaching for young people?
  • Definition of motivation
  • (The) Two types of motivation
  • The causes behind a lack of motivation
  • The coach’s missions in motivational coaching for young people
  • Who is motivational coaching for?
  • How does motivational coaching work?


Perception of capabilities

  • Identifying qualities
  • A portrait in 10 adjectives
  • The Chinese portrait
  • Identifying capabilities
  • Looking for one’s capabilities within one’s successes
  • Using a list of capabilities
  • Learning from one’s mistakes


Perception of Value

  • Formulating goals
  • Setting oneself a SMARTE objective
  • The implementation
  • The Kaizen Method
  • The 5-minute rule
  • Granting oneself bonuses
  • Positive visualisation


Perception of Control

  • Identifying one’s “timewasters” 
  • The “TO DO List”    
  • The Kanban   
  • Plan out one’s schedule 


Other motivational coaching tools for teens and students


A document containing 8 tool sheets in Word format

  • The motivometre
  • The motivational scale
  • What motivates me, or demotivates me
  • The positive word dispenser
  • Easy or difficult
  • The flower of evolution
  • Proust’s questionnaire
  • The Vision Board

For each tool, you will find:

  • The goal of the exercise
  • The rules of the exercise, and the questions to ask the young person
  • The ‘Terms of Use’ : in individual coaching or in a group workshop

These tool sheets are easily customisable with your logo and contact details.


A document containing 5 sheets to hand out to the young person, to reinforce their motivation (in Word format)

  • A few strategies stratégies for getting to work and maintaining/sustaining effort
  • The list of qualities
  • How do you talk to me so that I can be motivated?
  • My To-Do List
  • My weekly schedule
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