Strengths cards

Strengths cards


A set of printable cards to help young people identify and use their strengths to make progress.

  • 24 illustrated, printable, and laminable cards
  • 1 detailed manual

Description :

Strengths cards

Discover the Strength Cards – Develop and Use Your Strengths!


What are the Strength Cards?

Young people are often confronted with questions like: What are your strengths? How can you use them to grow?Whether they are making a study choice, motivating themselves, or seeking to build more self-confidence, recognising their strengths is crucial. The Strength Cards help young people aged 15 to 25 discover and purposefully apply their strengths.

This coaching tool is based on the scientific classification of character strengths by Martin Seligman and Christopher Peterson. The 24 strengths are divided into 6 universal values: wisdom, courage, humanity, justice, temperance, and transcendence. Thanks to its diverse approach, the game caters to different personalities and learning styles, allowing everyone to gain insight in their own way.


Contents of the set

The Strength Cards consist of:

24 illustrated cards (PDF format, printable and laminable)

    • Size 8×11 cm for individual coaching
    • Size 11×18 cm for group sessions

Clear structure

  • A clear image that visually represents the strength
  • Colours for each strength category, making recognition and association easy
  • A brief explanation of the strength and how it manifests in behaviour

Comprehensive manual with various applications:

  • Identifying strengths
  • Developing and applying strengths in daily life
  • Application in both individual coaching and group sessions


Why the Strength Cards?

The Strength Cards offer a versatile approach to gaining insight into talents and behavioural preferences:

  • For goal-oriented and decisive thinkers: Discover how courage and perseverance contribute to success.
  • For creative and energetic enthusiasts: Recognise your talents in communication, expression, and collaboration.
  • For caring and reliable team players: Appreciate your qualities in engagement, empathy, and support.
  • For analytical and structured planners: Utilise your strengths in knowledge, curiosity, and precision.

The role of the coach is essential in guiding young people to recognise and further develop their talents. By using the Strength Cards, coaches can get to the heart of the matter more quickly and offer more targeted support.

With the Strength Cards, you not only discover your strengths but also learn how to strategically apply them in your life and career. A valuable tool for anyone helping young people realise their unique potential!

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