Category: Blog

MyCoachingToolkit - Understanding Values - Blog image

Understanding Values

Understanding values is crucial to coaching, because they are core to our belief system and underpin decisions – consciously or unconsciously. In this blog post we help you understand what values are and the role a coach can play in helping to clarify them.

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MyCoachingToolkit - Focus on perseverance - Blog image

Focus on perseverance

We look at why having a focus on perseverance is one key personal skill that could be very helpful to your clients right now.

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MyCoachingToolkit - Homelife got complicated - Blog

Homelife got complicated

Because homelife got complicated due to social distancing, parents and young people need support to communicate better and prepare for the return to school.

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MyCoachingToolkit - How to be a great coach - Blog

How to be a great coach

This blog looks at how to be a great coach and what they need to know or do, if they are going to succeed in this highly competitive market.

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MyCoachingToolkit - Take Back Control - Blog

Take Back Control

In this blog we share an easy to implement tool to help take back control if anybody feels overwhelmed or worried about anything outside their control.

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MyCoachingToolkit blog - Career Coaching

Career Coaching

Career coaching is something that many of us have heard about, but what is it and how can it help? In this blog post we explore the role of a career coach and how they help people understand their true value.

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