Coaching for Love and Relationships

Coaching for Love and Relationships


Help clients focus on the steps needed to establish and maintain a new approach to finding love and building a lasting relationship.

Description :

Coaching for Love and Relationships


Learn to explore current or past behavior and the link your clients have between their feelings of love and the positive or negative impact it has on relationships, with this 16 page e-book.


With your support, you can help clients focus on the steps needed to establish and maintain a new approach to finding love and building a lasting relationship.


This e-book has been specifically developed to gather together the essential information needed for coaching Love and Relationships. It includes the different types of conversation you can have or approach you can take. And the personal development exercises can be used when coaching others or for your own personal development. 


What is love coaching?

As a professional coach, you will have the opportunity to work with a range of clients who are looking for support to explore how they think and feel, so naturally love and relationships may at some point be the focus of your conversation.


However, talking about love and relationships in coaching sessions is not the same as opening a dating agency, or helping somebody find love or get married. It will be an opportunity for you to help somebody explore what love and relationships mean to them and why they are looking for professional help at this point in their life.


As with all coaching, it is important that you can quickly create an environment of trust so the conversation can be as open and honest as possible. But whatever reason your client may be coming to you now, coaching love and relationships will be an opportunity to explore past behavior and identify what has worked and what needs looking at, to ensure a more positive outcome in the future.





Full content list:


What is love coaching?
Coaching love as a specialist
Subjects to focus on
Potential clients


Love as a couple
Finding a life partner
Building a successful partnership


The coaching process
Different types of coaching
Strategic Questioning
Incorporating the GROW Model
Personality types


The Taibi Kahler failure scripts
The failure scripts
How to break a negative script


Personal development exercises
Using repetition to anchor a positive mantra
Building self-esteem
Breaking the failure scenario


Tracking progress
Time to take positive action



Further reading:

  • We are constantly adding content to the site, so please check out our on-line shop or read the blog posts written by our team of international coaches


Our materials cannot be re-sold, given away or made available for free on-line – 2021


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