Individual Excellence

Individual Excellence


This detailed practical guide covers topics such as Preference and ability, learning styles, values and motivation, problem solving styles in the workplace. This E-book can help a professional coach understand human behaviour.

It also includes an extensive and searching self-examination questionnaire, to enable the coachee to identify his or her innate ‘competencies’, or preferences for styles of living and working, and to apply these to his or her current working environment.  Very practical to use in your coaching sessions.

The E-book is a practical guide that does not plan to ‘change’ anyone’s life but rather help people, to be happy with the one they have. This E-book aims to a constructive and enjoyable read.

Description :

Individual Excellence

This 115 page e-book is your essential guide to coaching Individual Excellence management and will quickly give you a solid grounding in the subject.


Individual Excellence in your coaching activity


The tools within this e-book can be used when coaching others or for their own personal and professional development.

In our own work as coaches and management development practitioners, we use the twin tools of subject knowledge and self-knowledge to bring to managers a broader and deeper perspective on their working lives. We hope that this E-book will do the same for its readers.

Carl Jung, one of the founding fathers of modern psychology, whose work forms the model on which this book is based. Jung said that we are all born with an innate preference for certain ways of living and working, just as we are born with an innate preference for writing with our left or right hand.

The same is true of our innate personality preferences. Dissatisfaction or inefficiency in some aspect of our life is very often a result of having to use functions of our personality which are not those we would prefer.

This book, then, is unlikely to change your coachees life. What we hope it may do is to help them to be happier with the one they’re stuck with. At the end of the day, that has always seemed to us to be the preferable option


Ralph Lewis


Ralph Lewis, Leadership Development consultant and coach, developed the Vital Questions Frame. He is also a co-founder of the UK Centre for Servant-Leadership. He was a lecturer in Management Development at Cranfield School of Management for four years and is a Programme Director at London Business School.


Full content list of your e-book Individual Excellence


  1. Setting the agenda
    A background to type theory
    How to interpret your scores

  2. Where am I?
    Preference and ability: what’s the difference?
    Learning styles
    Values and motivation
  1. The working environment
    Is your work self the same as your home self?
    Working within an organisation
    Working within a team
    Managerial stylesProblem-solving styles
    Communication styles
    Time management

  1. What does it all mean?
    Work compatibility
    Organisational compatibility
    Danger: people at work!

  1. Copability
    Satisfaction and stress
    Coping skills
    Ways of dealing with stress

  1. Don’t just work there, DO something!
    The principles of self-adjustment
    Some pertinent questions


Further reading: We are constantly adding content to the site, so please check out our on-line shop or read the blog posts written by our team of international coaches

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