My coaching dashboard
Fantastic, simple and practical tool to use to fully monitor your coaching sessions and also in discussions with supervisors. Read more
Fantastic, simple and practical tool to use to fully monitor your coaching sessions and also in discussions with supervisors. Read more
As a coach, we can help our clients to manage their emotions more effectively, so that they can achieve their goals, feel more focused and aligned in their daily lives. Let’s look at six tips for coaching emotions.
4 Tips to promote team cohesion : 1- Creating a shared story 2- Defining the vision 3- Facilitating interaction and developing shared values 4- A leader who sets an example
We look at workplace emotions and ask if they are still taboo when we are seeing some managers being encouraged to express their emotions rather than suppress them.
It’s important to agree how you will be keeping track of progress as it helps your clients build confidence and become more self-sufficient away from the coaching session.