Coaching news
Helping clients identify their soft and people skills
We look at how you can help your clients identify both their soft and people skills and then use this insight to stand out to hiring managers.
Be free to have fun
We are encouraged within neuroscience to have fun and explore life through play to promote neurogenesis that helps keep the brain younger for longer
Helping clients discuss their needs
Helping your clients to identify and discuss their needs can help them open up about who they really are and what feels important to them.
Coaching for love or lasting relationships
Coaching for love or lasting relationships can help clients focus on understanding how content they are with different aspects of their life.
Exploring key strengths and natural talents
Exploring key strengths and natural talents with clients can really help them understand how to adapt to changes in life and really succeed.
Coaching for Academic Success
Achieving academic success through coaching is primarily aimed at helping an individual uncover how they learn and what they want to achieve.
Overcoming a weakness
Helping your clients overcome a weakness can really help them learn to develop their natural talents and manage how they are being perceived by others.
Look for the meaning in what we do
Help your clients look for the meaning in what they do so they really understand the value they add to both society and the people around them
Exploring the narrative approach
Exploring the narrative approach can help young people express their emotions through the power of storytelling and discover who they really are.
Promoting your coaching services
We look at how you can promote your coaching services with images and really grow your business by talking about your unique coaching style.
Take notes and track progress
Encouraging clients to take notes and track progress will help them become more self-sufficient and track what they will work on or achieve.
Breaking unproductive behavior patterns
Help your clients review their beliefs, misconceptions or unproductive behavior patterns and create the long-lasting change they are looking for.
Help your clients live a positive life
Help your clients live a positive life by learning how to review where any negative feelings come from or at least spot any triggers early.
How to successfully challenge a team
Learn how to successfully challenge a team in a way that is seen as supportive, but also gets them to review the way they think, operate, forward plan and work together.
Exploring emotions in the workplace
We explore emotions in the workplace and how society today is trying to remove old gender stereotypes and sayings like – big boys don’t cry
Working with Board Members and Directors
As an Executive Coach, you will have an opportunity to work with Board Members and Directors to help them identify any obstacles that hinder their success
Being a great coach
Being a great coach can involve taking your client deeper and asking questions nobody else does, but only ask the questions you would answer yourself.
Learning to work in new ways
Taking a more creative approach and learning to work in new ways can help you explore the impact of change with your clients and find new ways to engage.
Exploring the attachment theory
By exploring the attachment theory we can learn to understand why some children will feel anxiety or distress when separated from their parent or guardian.
Running effective goal setting sessions
Running effective goal-setting sessions can really help your clients focus on the future before other priorities take over or they don’t have the time.
NLP – Modelling effective communication skills
NLP is based on the study of effective communication skills, where we learn to change our behavior and in turn influence change in others.