Group Dynamics or How to energise groups sessions


How many of us also take on roles as trainers, facilitators, or workshop leaders in addition to our individual and group coaching activities? Many of us juggle these various roles, using coaching tools or those specifically related to playful pedagogy or creative facilitation depending on our needs. Among these tools, icebreakers are essential for effectively starting a group session.


How can icebreakers help us “energise” our work groups?


As you know, an “icebreaker” is an activity or game used to break the ice and create a relaxed, communicative environment within a group. In a coaching or group context, it paves the way for deeper discussions and is an excellent way to foster interaction, trust, and participation among group members. It helps participants get to know each other, feel more comfortable, and strengthen group cohesion, which is crucial for an effective group session.

We have all faced complex situations during our first remote sessions during the lockdown and continue to facilitate remotely today. We know that interactions play a vital role in group dynamics, allowing participants to share ideas, experiences, and perspectives, learn from each other, and work together to achieve common goals.

Here’s how interactions can be encouraged and effectively managed in the context of group coaching or a workshop, whether remote or in-person:


8 Ideas to Foster Interactions in Our Group Sessions


Set the Tone of Our Sessions

In our group sessions, icebreakers set the tone and create an environment conducive to productive interactions. This fosters collaboration, learning, and problem-solving within the group for all participants.

Establish a Climate of Trust

Trust is key to all fruitful interactions. The coach must create a safe environment where participants feel comfortable sharing their ideas, concerns, and experiences.

Define Communication Rules

It is important to establish clear communication rules at the beginning of the coaching session. This can include guidelines on active listening, mutual respect, and confidentiality.

Encourage Balanced Participation

Ensure that all participants have the opportunity to speak. Avoid letting a few people dominate the conversation while encouraging quieter individuals to contribute.

Use Facilitation Techniques

Facilitation techniques such as moderation, open questioning, and paraphrasing can help stimulate discussions, deepen reflection, and promote engagement from all participants.

Promote Diversity of Perspectives

Group sessions benefit from the diversity of experiences and opinions. Encourage participants to express different viewpoints and explore various perspectives.

Collaborate on Common Challenges

Identify common challenges or goals that the group can work together to resolve or achieve. This reinforces cooperation and interdependence within the group.

Foster Peer Learning

Encourage group members to share their experiences and learn from each other. A group session can be an excellent way to capitalize on the collective intelligence of the group.


To effectively start and energise our sessions and ensure a high level of interaction, here are 32 icebreaker activity ideas.

Discover the online “Booster” cards in our e-shop.


Cc mycoachingtoolkit 2024. Articles are freely shareable with proper acknowledgment and link to the original source.

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