Coaching with the ACT method

Coaching with the ACT method


12 pages coaching with ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) method

This E-book is specially designed to enable you, based on the brief introduction of theory in ACT, to coach with the ACT method with 10 practical exercises, tools and home assignments.

Description :

Coaching with the ACT method

Coaching with the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy ACT method


In this 12-page e-book, Carol takes you on a journey of discovery through the transformative power of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), better known as the ACT method.


Coaching with the ACT method is intended for anyone who wants to engage with ACT in a low-threshold, professional, experiential and practical way as a trainer, coach and psychologist, and can apply it in their own lives.  It is an approach aimed not only at reducing psychological suffering, but also at developing a deep sense of meaning and fulfilment. Coaches, by using this ACT method, can support their clients in developing resilience, reducing psychological suffering and pursuing a meaningful and valuable life.


About the author


Carol Lo-A-Njoe has been using the ACT method in her coaching for years. With it, she promotes the psychological flexibility of her coachees. This means that her clients learn to accept their thoughts and feelings and adjust their behaviour in a way that is consistent with their values. Carol has years of coaching experience especially in government, industry organisations and business services. As a career, life and reintegration coach, she helps individuals (re)discover what is important to them. Carol helps coachees gain clarity on the steps they want to take. Whether it is a career question, a stress experience or restoring balance in working life.

She also provides training to teams on communication and leadership. In her daily practice, she works not only with tools such as ACT. But also with positive psychology, talent management, growth mindset, NLP, DISC, and systemic work. Her approach is both empathetic, engaging and goal-oriented, as well as tailored to your unique needs. She believes in the unique power of self-reflection, growth and positive change. The result of coaching can be a job that fits, more peace and space in your head, or growth in well-being and wellbeing.

In this E-Book, Carol provides not only an introduction and explanation of ACT, but also practical exercises, tools and home assignments to put the into practice. We hope this E-Book will give you inspiration and this tool can help you in your coaching sessions.


The E-Book Coaching with the ACT method


The Content

  1. Introduction to the ACT method
  2. Avoidance and acceptance
  3. Mindfulness
  4. Defusion and The Self
  5. Values
  6. Committed acting and action
  7. Tools
  8. Conclusion



Further reading:

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