Once your payment has been processed, please check the download page within your profile for your zip file download link.
Description :
The PowerPoint has 35 slides to professionally present yourself and your coaching business to potential clients. You can fully customize this presentation to include your logo and any images or specific colors you prefer to use when promoting your coaching business:
The main section of this presentation includes a professional image and clear title on each page. You can use this as a talking point or backdrop when promoting your coaching business. We have split the presentation into two main sections, life coaching and career coaching. However, everything can be updated to ensure it accurately reflects your style of coaching and the range of services you provide.
Please note: This kit is saved as a zip file and includes the main PowerPoint presentation and a terms and conditions cover sheet:
PC users: Download the latest version of winzip
Mac users: Download the latest version of Unarchiver from the App store
Our materials cannot be re-sold, given away or made available for free on-line
MyCoachingToolkit.com – 2021