Category: One to one coaching

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The Island of Feeling 

Once upon a time, there was an island where all feelings and emotions lived together: Sadness, disgust, joy, anger, frustration, and all the others, including

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How to Successfully Coach Emotions ?

As a coach, we can help our clients to manage their emotions more effectively, so that they can achieve their goals, feel more focused and aligned in their daily lives. Let’s look at six tips for coaching emotions.

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Academic Coaching

Academic Coaching is used to help students and learners of any age to identify and understand their individual learning style and agree a study track or life path

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Live a positive life

Learn to live a positive life by changing how we measure our success or reviewing different areas of life to find any imbalance.

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One-to-One Coaching

Everybody is different, but this blog shares an example coaching process and some recurring themes from our one-to-one coaching sessions.

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